How Would You Like To Limit Payment Gateways to Specific Transaction Amounts or Ranges? As you’ve more than likely heard us recommend, we frequently tell our clients that when it comes to merchant accounts and payment gateways, they should always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.

This is for multiple reasons. Merchant Account Companies could potentially freeze, suspend, or close your accounts leaving you with no way to accept online payments and no warning time to obtain a backup solution. Or, like anything else involving computers, they can have technical issues that could potentially shut down your ability to accept online payments without warning until the issues are resolved.

Now, user’s of MarketPowerPRO have another reason to have multiple payment gateways. With the MarketPowerPRO system, you have the ability to limit the visibility and access to certain payment gateways based on the transaction amount. Sometime’s certain payment gateways take issue with high transaction amounts, the opposite is true with others. Maybe you have a payment gateway that bases it’s rates on the transaction amounts or offers more flexibility for certain transaction types. Now you can assign transaction ranges to specific payment gateways to ensure it’s the best fit for the operation of your business.

To Learn How You Can Limit Payment Gateways to Specific Transaction Amount Ranges, Click on the link below!