Keep Customers and Distributors Informed


Maintaining communication with the distributor base is essential, something that MultiSoft recognizes and has engineered in MarketPowerPRO.  Be sure to always keep in touch with your distributors.

Network marketing is as much about community as it is about commissions.  Many distributors will join a company simply for the social outlet that it provides.  Stay focused on communicating with the field, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results it yields.

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A Sample of MarketPowerPRO Communication Tools

MarketPowerPRO offers several tools whose explicit goal is to help you foster communication: the News module, Newsletter module, Notifications module, and Calendar module.

  • News

    The news module serves as an online bulletin board for keeping your distributors appraised of company happenings. As an example, you may want to post a meeting and event schedule using the news module. With MarketPowerPRO you can create as many news modules as you want to – news for customers, news for distributors, news about products, upcoming events, press releases and more.

  • Newsletters

    Newsletters are e-mail campaigns directed at specific groups of users. They also offer you an excellent way to keep in touch with the field. You can create traditional monthly newsletters that are sent out in a standardized format, or you can generate individual newsletters that are sent for specialized purposes. You can create newsletters that only specific roles of individuals can subscribe to and receive – for example, newsletters for customers, distributors, product newsletters or newsletters that only administrators received – it’s entirely in your hands.

  • Notifications

    Each time someone enrolls with the company, makes a purchase, etc., that person is sent an e-mail, that provides them with information related to the event. E-mails of this nature are referred to as notifications. You have complete control over the content of all notifications in the system.

  • Calendar

    MarketPowerPRO includes a robust calendar management system so that customers and distributors can keep up with events, meetings, conference calls and more. Distributors can also post personal calendar events so that visitors to their site can see their sponsors meetings, conference calls and more.

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