Have You Been Looking For A Way To Advertise Your MLM For Free? We’d like to introduce you to MLMDirectory.net

The Direct Selling Organization, the MLM and Network Marketing Industry’s largest lobbying organization, estimates there to be at least 10,000 different businesses in the world operating as MLM, Network Marketing, or Direct Selling companies. Regardless of whether you’re interested in joining an MLM and curious what your options are or an entrepreneur trying to get a ‘lay of the land’; the problem is that there is no real directory of MLM companies out there. Until now that is.

MultiSoft has been working to create a directory of existing MLM and Network Marketing Companies. The MLMDirectory is already populated with several hundred company listings from a variety of sources. Don’t wait! Get your company listed for Free!

Is your company already on the directory? Claim your listing, add your social media profiles, the products your company sells, or distributor finder links! Upgrade your listings to display even more data, custom fields, and preferential rankings in search results!

Don’t wait! Get your company listed for Free! For $9.99 a month receive a featured listing, or, upgrade to a Premium listing for $19.99 a month.

Potential distributors are looking for companies to join; what are you waiting for?