“Coming Soon” also known as “Under Construction” pages are valuable space fillers to let your website visitors know that they haven’t come to the wrong place and that content is currently being completed. While Coming soon pages aren’t as ideal as having a finished page ready to view adaptive can help keep visitors looking at your website rather than bouncing when they receive a browser error about a missing page.
The following pages are available should you wish to show to the general public rather than show your website while it’s under construction or when updates are while that take longer than a few minutes. Note, all Coming Soon / Under Construction Pages are Responsive and Adaptive (yes, we are moving in the direction of mobile -adaptive and responsive MarketPowerPRO MLM Software – more updates to come).
Please contact your Account Executive or our customer support department or submit a Help Desk ticket with any questions about implementing a Coming Soon / Under Construction Page (note, this new feature is mainly for clients preparing to launch that are not launched yet).
More Resources For You:-
Are you considering starting an MLM? Try a FREE 5 Day Demo of the Best MLM Software right here
5 KEY Considerations you MUST KNOW Before Starting Your Own MultiLevel Marketing Company.
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- Email: robert@multisoft.com
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